
FAR&COM International Training of Trainers 3'th Day

🤩 It’s time for the third day of the Far&Com Project-Erasmus KA220 Sch project training which is taking place in 93. СУ "Aлександър Теодоров-Балан" in Sofia, 🇧🇬 Bulgaria. The 👩🏻‍🏫 training of trainers is a result and contributes to the project main outcomes: 📚 LEARNING TOOLS - METHODOLOGIES FOR FAST READING AND COMPREHENSION 📚 ONLINE DIGITAL APPLICATION 📚 TRAINING COURSES 📚TRAINING AND SUPPORT MATERIALS We would like to thank the participants from the partner organisations

Eskişehir Sosyal İnovasyon ve Gelişim Derneği,


Center for Social Innovation - CSI for the active participation. Stay tuned for more details!